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I am a Bicolano by birth and choice. By any standards, I am a slow runner but I like it that way. I look at running as a healthy and exciting way to make a difference. Together with my fellow runners from our family, school, office, and the community, we use running to give back.

FUNDACION PACITA: A Sweet Treat at Cafe du Tukon


"Success is its own reward, but failure is a great teacher too, and not to be feared."

These wise words on success and failure are attributed to the fearless US Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor

MANGROVE LOVING PENGUIN: Much to Like about Leganes Integrated Katunggan Park (LIKE)


It's been almost 5 months since the Mangrove Loving Penguin (MLP) visited the Leganes Integrated Katunggan EcoPark  (LIKE) but the memory of that visit to an award-winning mangrove park is still fresh and riveting. 

MANGROVE LOVING PENGUIN: Serendipia in Barcelona

 "Beautiful Sorsogon! Where Beauty is Everywhere."

One of the more progressive provinces in our beloved Philippines, in my book, is Sorsogon.  The things happening in the southernmost Bicol province are both inspiring and promising.