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I am a Bicolano by birth and choice. By any standards, I am a slow runner but I like it that way. I look at running as a healthy and exciting way to make a difference. Together with my fellow runners from our family, school, office, and the community, we use running to give back.

2024 KASADYA MARATHON: Fun in the Run in GenSan


"Akala ko patagalan ito. Pabilisan pala."

In jest, the Bicolano Penguin (BP)  blurted this out to some race volunteers as the BP neared the finish line of the 2024 Kasadya Marathon held in General Santos City.   Once again, the BP was the last runner to cross the finish line of a full mary. The Last Man Standing, so to speak.  Kind of like the Iloilo Dinagyang Marathon   early this year  and Baybay City Marathon   back in 2016. 

I run slow. Correction, the BP run painstakingly unhurried.  Why do I keep this up?  The answer is I look at the bigger picture. GenSan is part of the province of South Cotabato and this province is now the 28th province that the BP ran a full marathon or ultra marathon.  54 more provinces to go in BP's bucket list  to finish a marathon in all 82 provinces in our beloved Philippines.  If the Dept. of Tourism has the #LoveThePhilippines campaign launched a year ago, the BP is on its #RunThePhilippines quest for close to a decade already.   The journey must go on. 

And the journey for the BP this Cinco de Mayo was in General Santos City, generally known as the "Tuna Capital of the Philippines"   and "Home of the Champions".   Prior to my arrival in Gen San on the 1st weekend of May, truth be told, I have no connection with the city except for a distant relative who has his residence in GenSan. He is   Allan Claudio de Lima   who is active  in the local running scene. Unfortunately, for that weekend, my cousin will not be in GenSan as he is attending a convention in Ioilo.  So it with some light trepidations that I boarded my PAL flight bound for  GenSan on early Saturday (May 4). Not really expecting much from the journey as I wouldn't have anybody touring me the place. Not really expecting much merriment from the Kasadya Marathon experience. 

Boy, was I wrong with my consternations.

My May 4-5 weekend in General Santos City turned out to be a beautiful experience filled with happiness and contentment. Of course, the highlight of the weekend for me is the Kasadya Marathon which started in the late evening of  May 4 and ended in the morning of May 5. 

But even before the marathon, I was already having a lot of fun in General Santos, thanks to its good people.  

Good people like Cheryl Galo who is the president of a people's organization (PO) called Zone Six Small Fishermen Association.  This PO manages a mangrove park in Barangay Bula. Thanks to the contact details provided by Prince Tampus of CENRO GenSan (whose cp number provided to me  by cuz Allan), I was able to get in touch with Chery and she was very accommodating in touring me inside the 5-hectare mangrove park. The Mangrove Loving Penguin  in me  took the opportunity to  plant some mangroves with the help of Cheryl (link to the YoutTube video of the May 4 planting) .  Under the shade of the mangroves of Brgy Bula, I was in a state of bliss knowing that there is a thriving mangrove ecosystem inside General Santos City, a highly urbanized city with   aspirations to become the "Green City of the South".

Cheryl of the Zone 6 Small Fishermen Association touring BP  inside Bula Mangroves. 

Fun for me  planting a handful of mangroves.    

Good people like Henry Baay who is the taxi driver that patiently drove me in and around the vast road networks of Gen San on that weekend. Perhaps it is my good fortune that the taxi I picked to ride outside the General  Santos City Airport on my May 4 arrival is a taxi driven by the  owner himself. Henry, a retired seaman, drove me to Brgy Bula for the  mangrove planting. After the mangrove visit, he accompanied me to the General Santos City Public Market where we were able to buy some fresh seafood and have it cooked at one of the carenderias inside the palengke. Having lunch of freshly-cooked seafood is such a delight for the BP,  and I have Henry to thank for negotiating for me in buying the seafood .        

Delicious lunch in the heart of GenSan with Henry my taxi driver and tour guide.  

Seafood combo of Pasayan from Malapatan and Malasugi from Maasim. 

Henry was also the one that brought me to the starting area of the Kasadya Marathon come the night of May 4.  The starting area was located inside the AllHome-Gensan  complex in Brgy Katangawan along the Circumferential Road. 

Start Area inside AllHome-Gensan 

Arriving at the starting venue, I could not help but notice that the 2024 Kasadya Marathon is a well-organized event.  The sights and sound that greeted me showed that the Organizing Team was doing a good job. Moreover, the joyful scene of fellow runners greeting each other, limbering up for the run,  and having group photos together are indicative that the local running community in GenSan, neighboring towns and provinces are very much alive and kicking. 

Schedule of Activities of the 2024 Kasadya Marathon 

42Km Route Map

Schedule of Start of the 2024 Kasadya Marathon

Gender Equality in the Team Matutum Organizing Team 

Nearing 10pm, the start area was crawling already with eager marathoners.

Safety and Security are of primary importance at the 2024 Kasadya Marathon.  A police contingent in full gear securing the Start Area.    

Camaraderie is in vogue among the local running community at the 2024 Kasadya Marathon 

Conversation among the running shoes: ON Super Trainer - "Hola Speedy Gonzales". NIKE Super Racer:  "Eat my dust Gringo!"  

Marathoners excited to start

There at the starting venue, while lining up to claim my race bib, I got to meet Engr. Rene Asuero who is a good friend of Allan and a fellow participant in the marathon. He introduced me to the Race Director,  Gelyn Ninofranco of Team Matutum Runners. She was clearly busy at that point so it was with Engr Rene that I got to ask the question:  What does the word "Kasadya" mean? To my surprise, it turns out kasadya is a local word that means merriment or extreme happiness or fun.  

Wow. Kasadya Marathon is a fun marathon. And indeed it was. Indeed it is. 

Let the photos do the talking.

It is FUN to spread our wings and fly. When one runs, most of the time one is actually airborne. When one flies, one is free.   

It is FUN to run and to be on the flow on a well-lighted road the marathoners own for at most 8 hours.  

It is FUN to reach an aid station with still plenty of delicious lechon to munch on even though I am the last runner.  

It is FUN to reach the finish line late but fellow runners still around to cheer one on. Engr Rene and his fellow Dadiangas Runners were on hand to have a group photo at the finish line.  Love the connection. 

It is FUN to have an inclusive podium where finishers (fast or slow) can stand or sit on radiantly  for a photo. 

It is FUN to have one's name included in the Tarp of Fame. Or Tarp of Pain?

It is FUN to meet one of the leading minds behind the 2024 Kasadya Marathon.  With Atty Josemar Albano of Team Matutum.

It is FUN to be invited by the Race Director and race volunteers to join them in a group photo at the end of the festivities. United in fun. 
But don't take the photos as the sole proof of fun and merriment in the Kasadya Marathon.  How about hearing from the other marathoners in the event? The BP interviewed a handful of finishers. One of them is Lilian dela Cruz of Laagang Lowkey Runners (LLR) who ran 21 kms in the 2023 Kasadya Marathon and 42 kms in the 2024 Kasadya Marathon.  Another is Jennylyn De Dios Bomboc  of Team DD (Damay-damay) who joined Kasadya Marathon three times already.  And Rene Asuero  of Dadiangas Runners who joined 4 editions already of Kasadya Marathon.  All 3 were asked 3 questions:

1. They say Kasadya means masaya (or fun in english), in what way did the 2024 Kasadya Marathon gave you fun?  

Lilian (Bib# 42041):
"I found 2024 Kasadya Marathon a highly enjoyable event, offering a complete experience.  Team Matutum Runners provided abundant aid stations, a buffet post-race refreshments, exceptional entitlements and a challenging yet rewarding course/route. Moreover, the marathon allowed me to reconnect with my outdoor friends from different places." 

Jennylyn (Bib# 42021)

"Kasadya for me is really fun...Kasi maraming station, maraming food...Kung sa Bisaya pa, Dili ka mapasmo. Basta Makaya lang nmo kaonon even kapoy na." 

Rene (Bib# 42012)
"Kasadya is a fun marathon. No pressure, just run your own pace. Enjoying the road of GenSan.  Since the last year edition, the turning point is the most fun aid station.  Beers and food, that make more fun and enjoyable about Kasadya."

2.  What can you say about the running community in GenSan (or the whole of SocSarGen)?

Lilian of Laagang Lowkey Runners 
"Although I  consider myself still relatively new to running, having commenced my journey in March 2023, I have observed a notable incease in the number of runners, particularly in Gensan, within just a year. The running community has significantly expanded, as evident from the crowded oval plaza where I frequently train. Previously, I would encounter familiar faces, but now,  the plaza is consistently filled with numerous runners everyday. Many individuals have been inspired to join the running community, not only for health reasons but also because of the sense of fulfillment it brings.  Beyond Gensan, I have friends across SocSarGen who are avid runners, some of whom participate not only in road marathons but also in trail running events."

Jennylyn of Team DD

"Ang masasabi ko lang if si RD Zhen ang nag organize and her team, saludo po ako.  Yung other team po like K9literunnrz magaling din po mag organize."

Rene of Dadiangas Runners

"After pandemic, the running communityin Gensan is growing. Many running teams evolve. Before, only few of us here in Gensan. Comparing 10 years ago, I'm happy to see more people start loving running here in Gensan." 

3.  The Kasadya Marathon is a fun and well-organized marathon but if there are any areas for improvement, what are those?

"I have noticed a necessity for enhancement in timekeeping accuracy. Last year was also a manual recording. Now, there's a need for the organizer to collaborate with a service provider to implement an automated timing chip system. Despite the additional expense involved, as evidenced by our recent hosting of the trail run event, partnering with RaceTech enabled us to achieve automated and faster time recording while reducing the need for manual supervision." 

"Sana magkaroon ng age category like other give chance sa mga older runners na marecognize din."

"Maybe more marshalls on route race. Timing chips, hopefully. I think this will make better Kasadya Marathon next time around."

Well said.  Much appreciated.  All the  answers of the 3 interviewees are genuinely responsive to the questions and can be a source of  reflection. 

Focusing on the answers to the first 2 questions, I am reminded of a TED Talks video on the subject of  Fun . In that roughly 12-min video, award-winning writer Catherine Price  articulates about the three elements of fun. She defines fun as a time when you are able to embody a mix of three elements:  playfullness, connection and flow.  By this definition, we can definitely say that the 2024 Kasadya Marathon is fun. 

Playfullness is when you embrace a spirit of lightheartedness and freedom. The runners of the Kasadya Marathon were all so free-spirited on the 42km route. 
Playfullness.  Running friends Carmina Lagudas and Dulce Sexcion Kabatay sharing a lighthearted moment while piling  up mileage in the 21km race.  

Connection.  For the individual runners, there was a sense of connection with their running club mates through the shared experience of the Kasadya Marathon. 
Connection.  The sense of connection of these runners will be stronger because of their shared experience in the 2024 Kasadya Marathon.

Flow is the pyschological state in which you get so absorbed in your present experience. It is akin to the feeling of a super athlete in the zone. Many, if not all of the runners in the Kasadya Marathon were so immersed in the running. It's like time slowed down. 
Flow.  Russel Lagudas of Team BRC  in the zone. 

So there you have it.  Fun in the Run in GenSan. 

Congratulations to all the runners of the 2024 Kasadya Marathon.  Kudos to the race organizers and race volunteers for a fine and fun job in the 9th edition of the Kasadya Marathon. 

Remember this.  We need to have more fun. It is the secret to a healthier life.  Ergo, we need more Kasadya Marathons.  Looking forward to the 10th edition. 






Lilian said...

Thank you for your blog sir! Hope to meet you again soon.

sakura said...

Keep running po :)
Thanks for joining us in the run.
Kasadya ged ba.